Trainer in Your Pocket

Unlock your potential with the NEXT WORKOUT app. Choose your coach. Set your level. Boost your workout step-by-step.

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Welcome to the

Premium Fitness App

NEXT WORKOUT is a virtual gym tailored to your needs. Neat design. Elite workouts. Top-tier coaches. All right in your pocket. Set your preferences. Track your progress. Stay on fire. You deserve premium feels everywhere you go. Here it is.

Let's talk about

How It Works


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Choose your journey

Set your level. Explore the choices. Pick what you like. We've got a wide range of training plans and solo workouts for everyone.

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Push the tempo

Customize the workout to your tempo and control your progress. Choose your training days. Set the intensity. Stay on fire.

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Ready to play

Click play. Watch. Hone your technique. We made a unique video to guide your steps. For every plan. For every workout. For every move.

Phone Mockup

High five

Feel the support you deserve. Sweat. Effort. Dedication. Workouts are tough. That's why you earn an accolade from us. A virtual high five after every session.

Advanced Muscle Program

Advanced Muscle Program

Andrew Seffi

Andrew Seffi

Pushpull Power

Pushpull Power

David Partl

David Partl

Sculpt Your X-Shape

Sculpt Your X-Shape

Veronika Dimitrovova

Veronika Dimitrovova

Reshape Revolution

Reshape Revolution

Veronika Benesova

Veronika Benesova


Let us introduce

Our Trainers

Meet our coaches. Unique personalities with unique training styles, ready to guide you through all kinds of workouts. Strength. Functional. Yoga. At home or in the gym. Your training is in good hands and other body parts.

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App that keeps you

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